Board Member

Emmanuel NKUSI

Emmanuel Nkusi is the BK Group Plc and Bank of Kigali Plc Company Secretary – Head of Corporate Affairs. Prior to this, he was the Chief Legal and regulatory Affairs Officer/Company Secretary of (KTRN Ltd) Korea Telecommunication Rwanda Networks Ltd.

He also served at Tigo Rwanda Ltd, a Millicom Inc. Subsidiary, as Legal Manager and Company Secretary.

Before joining the Telecommunication Industry, he served as Acting Head Legal and Company Secretary in (Banque Commerciale du Rwanda BCR) now I&M Bank and Head legal and Company Secretary at Ecobank Rwanda Ltd.

With 18 years’ experience (in both public sector –Supreme Court of Rwanda legal advisor - and private sector) he has been involved in various legal opinion drafting matters; contract drafting and negotiation; successful merger and acquisition transactions, taking part in solving conflicts, representing companies in arbitration and being part of regulatory investigations in both the Banking and Telecommunications industries.

With the extensive senior corporate legal advisory services experience, Emmanuel has earned required skills in managing legal complex problems and corporate governance exposure for Board of Directors’ affairs.

He holds a Bachelor’s Degree of Law (LLB) and a Master’s degree in International Business Law. Emmanuel has participated in various certification programs on regulatory affairs management and legal advisory across the world. He is a Certified In-House Corporate Counsel from the Institute of Corporate Counsel USA – Association of Corporate Counsel, Washington DC.

He serves as Board member of the East African Business Council.